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In this age of development our country is trying to keep pace with what is developing around the world. Growth of institution in the private sector has been quite significant in this state of Uttar Pradesh. The day is not far when the self finance institutions will become centers of excellence in the fields relevant to the economical & technological growth of our country.

We aspire to become a leading centre of excellence for education, management studies, research and training in technical and medical field. At R.B.(P.G.) college, Agra, it is our endeavor to provide high quality education with the efforts of a committed staff, the support of parents and ability of our students, we plan to achieve a nationally recognized reputation for excellence not only academically but also through our extracurricular programmed activities.

I am sure the students of this institution will create new success story. I hope that more and more students would reap the benefits of these career oriented courses.

With warm regards,
Dr. J.A. Warsi
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Contact Us

Girl’s Campus
Kalindi Vihar,Near Water Tank, Agra-6, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Tel: +91 9917888371

Boy’s Campus / Agriculture
Jalesar Road,Mudi Crossing, Agra-6, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

Tel: +9675119292
Email: rbpgcollege146@gmail.com